Claims are far than just a financial Obligation; Claims are the opportunity to repay clients’ trust.

We, Orient insurance, declare it that Claims are the key part of the overall Insurance service. To find the right solution for our clients, we work in close cooperation with them and their brokers, fielding an integrated team involving our claims experts; underwriters, risk consultants and other client service specialists, so that we reach a fair satisfactory conclusion of a claim request for all concerned parties.

Orient insurance prides in providing a tailored technical insight and experience coupled with transparency and excellent communication. Flexibility is our tool to adjust to each client’s individual situation, offering local delivery with global support, thus maintaining excellence in implementing claims assessment and settlement for the Orient Syria and contribute to the company’s targeted profitability while ensuring maximum accuracy, fairness, customer satisfaction and adherence to the related local standards, policies, procedures and authority limits.

As Customer, satisfaction is the primary objective & nothing is more critical to the customer than the way in which claims are handled, our Claims philosophy is to treat each customer the way we would like to be treated if we experienced the same loss, with:






To contact Motor Claims:

Please e-mail:        Tel:  011-9323 Ext: 2115 / 2148                 Tel:  011-9323 Ext: 2110


To contact Fire, Marine and General Accidents :

Please e-mail:               Tel:  011-9323 Ext: 2130


 To contact life , Health and Travel Claims:

Please e-mail:                  Tel:  011-9323 Ext: 2151               Tel:  011-9323 Ext: 2150